You can now play Super Bao Runner directly from your browser The game that have its own Arcade machine and have apps for both iPhone…
This is just general about games made by Polyspice
You can now play Super Bao Runner directly from your browser The game that have its own Arcade machine and have apps for both iPhone…
There is something missing from the game. Dont misunderstand me, the foundation of the game seems to be working, and there is some potential for…
First of, thank you to all the people who helped me test and gave me feedback on the first iteration of my minigame “Stupid Soldiers”.…
Stupid Soldiers is now ready as a mini-game prototype – you can freely try it out and comment if you have some ideas to improvements…
So, I have been sweating over this game of mine called Stupid Soldiers, and I am closing in on wanting to release it for everyone…
“Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die!” Just a quick update on the project I am currently working on. Stupid Soldiers…
Get ready to get red spots on your thighs , because a new version of Super Bao Runner is out, and it have the toilet…
Some crazy exiting opportunity came along, and now Super Bao Runner is coming in an arcade version – “Super Bao Runner Arcade” Yep, thats right :), The…
For all of you iPhone owners. Finally, I got it working on iTunes (Yay, big victory 🙂 ) I am figuring out how to implement…
Friends, you are now looking at a post, made by a happy owner of a “mac mini” – it was a though decision, but it…