5th November 2017 by Mr. Tabu

Humpydog the game

A couple of my friends and me have this tradition, where we go far away from home to have some fun. Usually, this is based around game development – you could say that we go out for a boys weekend, but instead of fishing or hiking, we develop some games, its our own little private […]
27th August 2017 by Mr. Tabu

Turning a leaf

So, what is happening and what is the status of Polyspice? A lot of things have happened the last 6 months, projects came and went, and to be honest, I might have been a bit confused about life and everything, resulting in me putting a bit to much on my plate, based on  pure desire […]
28th April 2017 by Mr. Tabu

Play Super Bao  at Westmarked in Copenhagen

It’s pretty awesome that you can play my game at Westmarked in Copenhagen on an old school arcade machine.  You can run alone, or you can compete against a friend – this is your chance to show your friends whos the BOSS!! 🙂  Get your name at the top of the list for either 7 […]
9th January 2017 by Mr. Tabu

Old school arcade is not dead

Some crazy exiting opportunity came along, and now Super Bao Runner is coming in an arcade version – “Super Bao Runner Arcade” Yep, thats right :), The  arcade machine have just been completed and will be available to play on in Aarhus in a couple of weeks. One of the only things where this machine differs from […]
6th November 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Super Bao Runner, now available on iTunes

For all of you iPhone owners. Finally, I got it working on iTunes (Yay, big victory 🙂 ) I am figuring out how to implement it with the Apple equivalent of Google play – but until then you have have to do with the local high scores, and racing against your own ghost! I am […]
18th August 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Looking for testers

My next game, “Super Bao Runner”, is in the pipes, and it is now ready to be tested by others than myself. The character is the logo for a restaurant that I am collaborating with. More about this project later 🙂 You can see a short video of the game play here For Android – […]
23rd June 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Princess and Unicorn are coming to iPhone

Friends, you are now looking at a post, made by a happy owner of a “mac mini” – it was a though decision, but it was a nessecary step I had to take if I wanted to port the game to iPhone. I tried to get around it by installing a virtual machine of MacOSX, […]
22nd May 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Princess and Unicorn 1.0 released

Princess and Unicorn is my first game on the Google play store. This is a complete one man show, as I have had no help from other creating this. The only thing in this game that I did not create myself was the music and sound effects, which I got from some pages that offers […]
10th May 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Princess and Unicorn version 0.5.0 is here – rejoice :)

So, I have been working to get the last bits and pieces in place so that this game is ready to release – I am not quite there yet, but it is close. Making games is like building a sand castle at the beach on a summer day – every time you complete something, some new […]
4th May 2016 by Mr. Tabu

Rainbow and Pink Unicorn have entered the scene

Version 0.4.0 So, here we are again a new version is about to be ready, and I am closing in on having something that is ready for releasing into the public space and ending the start up of Princess and Unicorn. But before the final release, here I am with some new stuff. So, say […]