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Planit Rabbit Release!

Planit Rabbit Release! At Polyspice, we’re so happy to present the release of Planit Rabbit – Version 0.9

Planit Rabbit is evolving. Previously we had a vast and seemingly endless space a player would fly around in until they crashed. This was good, but much simpler than the more Intentional Video Game we dreamed about. Which is why I’m excited to reveal that our newest version has revisited and refined the visuals and mechanics of earlier builds.

A Level Select with defined Objectives helps giving players a true progression system across two Food Themed Worlds of Fifteen Levels each.

The General User Interface is flashier, more intuitive, and has more of the personality we always wanted. 

A big deal for myself, the Performance of Planit Rabbit has been overhauled to give a smoother experience even during more hectic segments. 

As I’ve previously described, 3 Unique UFO’s will now be usable! These are handy options, while they can’t generally outperform the Rockets. They ARE much more user friendly for those having issues with the Difficulty Curve within Planit Rabbit.

Needless to say, we’ve also refined the Rockets that make up the core of our gameplay experience. So get your rabbit ears on!

Download the game for free on the App Store or Play Store and try it out! We hope you have a great time and don’t forget to leave a review if you do. 


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