1st August 2022

Food Fight 1.4 is available now

We are proud to tell you, that Food Fight 1.4 is released and ready to be played.

The new Food Fight 1.4 will be focusing on player engagement, making the game even more fun to play, so that you would want to come back to play it. The following is part of this release.

  1. A brand new streak system
  2. Food abilities
  3. Row difficulty adjustments
  4. General balance improvements of the game

So, get ready to throw food and have some fun! Download at Google Play!

New streak system

The first thing that we changed in Food Fight 1.4 is the Streak system, this have now been enhanced, and you can get a lot of multipliers. In the old way, you would loose everything if you had a miss. Now with the new system, you will build up multipliers, and only loose current progress if you miss. We hope that this will increase engagement, and give you, the player a feeling of a fair fight.

New food abilities

Each food now have its own abilities, this means that unlocking and equipping new food, will give some bonuses. Some of the foods will have special abilities in Food Fight 1.4, such as, extra life, but we are also adding “coins from all” which means that no matter who you hit, you will get coins, and the last special ability is called, “no streak loss” – meaning, that even if you miss, you will not loose your streak.

Row bonuses

In Food Fight 1.4 each row now have its own bonuses, this means, that if you hit bullies on the back rows, this will give you more points, and bigger streaks. Hitting the more difficulty bullies, will give you a bigger reward. At the same time, it have been introduced, that if bullies escape, you will get a penalty of -1 point for letting them go.

Don’t let them bullies get away!

Get the game now

Food Fight – Burgers and Bullies are available on Google play. Go there now and download the game.

You can download Food Fight from Google play

How to give feedback?

You can contact us by commenting below, If you have feedback for the game, please join our discord channel or send us a message through the contact form

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