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Tag: Beta

The Princess is here

PrincessI have just released the next version of Princess and Unicorn – this version is 0.3.0 and the main part of this update is the introduction of the Princess. The princess will be placed around the level, and if you deliver her to the castle, it will give you 10 coins as a bonus for saving the princess.

Another thing that have been added is the mood of the music, who will dynamically change in accordance to how close Death is to the Unicorn.

I hope you enjoy this beta version of the game – I am aiming for final release the second of may 🙂

The next update will contain new unicorns that can be bought and upgraded individually.

The game is still available to be tested from this link:

If you need any help, please contact me 🙂

Princess and Unicorn – Beta for Android

BetaButtonI made this game “Princess and Unicorn” – In corporation with my son “Falke”, who had this period of “Frozen” where princesses where the best thing ever 🙂 I wanted to make a game, where I could explore and experiment with Google store and Ads in games – We decided that I should make a game about Princesses and Unicorns that could accommodate both of our needs.

So, here it is, “Princess and Unicorn”, horrible name, I know, but this is the name non the less 🙂

It is in Beta for the Android, so it is not complete yet, but all the minimal features is in – which apparently do not include a princess – but do not worry, she is on the way 🙂Unicorns

Anyway, this is an open invitation to join in, and try out my game before it is complete. There is still some things missing – like explaining how to play the game – my hope is that it is so simple that most people can figure it out on their own – if this is not the case, then I need to find a way to improve the gameplay a bit 🙂

If you want to participate in the open beta, simply click this: Participate in Betatest

If you have any problems figuring out how to do things, please send me a message, and I will help you set it up.

I believe in the sentence – there is no such things as stupid users, only bad design – so please ask 🙂